Wednesday, October 24, 2007

Andvancing indiv project

1- Affirmative action in college admissions is still a major issue in colleges today.

2- In many cases, a school's affirmative action policy has large effects on the student body at university. Schools that have completly eliminated race as a factor in admissions have consistently seen less diversity among their student bodies, while schools that still consider race are often criticized for having unfair practices. Their have even been large court cases in recent history where schools have been sued for using race as too strong of a factor in their admissions. These cases have brought it into the public eye and it has most schools looking to modify their practices to avoid being accused of having unfair policies or being sued.

3- A closer look at specific universities' policies and their student body demographics would help to see how well these policies are doing at establishing diversity and if the new move towards eliminating race as a factor is warranted and effective. It may also help to determine if affirmative action in college admissions is a passing trend or if it will be around in most colleges for a long time to come.

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